I thought these games are for kids but I was wrong when I see adults and even much older people getting addicted to them.Perhaps these games has the appeal because of the word "angry" and people played the game as a form of emotional relief or to unwind themselves after a long stressful day at work.
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Since we are talking about these 'angry games', let me also talk about the topic on ANGER.
Anger is normal and infact a healthy emotion.It is a fact of life that everyone does get angry with things or people at times, and it is just a matter of how they managed their anger only.
People usually gets angry because something or someone obstructs their needs or desires.Or it can be sometimes people perceived certain threats and felt annoyed and disturbed when someone said something not to their liking.
There are three types of reactions when people gets angry; they either confront the anger, internalised their anger or they redirect their anger to other people.Confronting anger in an assertive and 'productive' way is the best approach.Internalised anger means keeping the anger inside ourselves and it may become a grudge on something or someone later.Redirect anger on someone else like family members and our staffs is also not a good way of managing our anger.
Experts always say that when we are angry, take a deep breadth and count to 10.I agreed with this method and I always use this approach when I am angry with something.What happens when we do this deep breathing and counting to 10 is we provide a 'timeout' for our anger and it will 'cool' us down.Then we will feel calmer and our mind will become clearer to deal with the source of anger.
Another effective way of dealing with anger is to stick with the "I" statement when we are angry and talking to the person who arouse our anger.By focussing on the "I", we are actually telling the person our feelings and reasons for being angry.It is better than to use the word "YOU" which sounds more like blaming the other person.It will make the other person angry also when they try to defend themselves.Of course, we must approach this in an assertive and positive way without being too emotional and think before we speak.
Replacing anger thoughts by doing other things to divert away this negative feeling is also an effective way.I guess this is one of the reason why the 'Angry Bird' and 'Angry Gran' games are so popular.By engrossing on these games, we are actually clearing away the anger thoughts.The beauty about anger is, if we can "cool down" before we react to it, we can suppress it.
So next time before we become angry with someone or something, follow the above suggestions on how to deal with anger.Always remember to pause a while and think before we speak, when we are angry.
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